3 Tips to Find the Best Apps for Learning Chemistry

3 Tips to Find the Best Apps for Learning Chemistry 1

Chemistry is one of the most exciting and essential subjects in the modern world. Chemistry explains how almost everything we use today has come to be. The plastic bags you use for groceries? Chemistry! Any food your purchase from your supermarket has been improved by chemistry and gone through a chemical process to make sure it is safe to eat. In other words, chemistry affects everyone on a day to day basis and understanding it lets you have a unique and informed perspective on the world we live in today. Learning chemistry can be easy if you use the right apps to help you along the way, but with 1,000s of choices, it can be challenging to find the right apps. Thankfully to save your time, you can follow these three tips to finding the best chemistry apps

Use Formula and Equation Calculators

While chemistry is essential, it is unfortunately very much bases in math and physics as anyone who majored in math is sure to tell you. Don’t despair! You can still learn and understand chemistry without having to work through each equation thanks to automatic formula calculators painfully can help you through some of the more complicated mathematics. Due to the nature of our world, scientists have been able to create models that help us understand and interpret how the world around us interacts, which means lots and lots of equations. Don’t worry, some formulas and equations are often compiled in different chemistry apps and can help you with everything from, walking you through the equation step by step to explaining who invented the equation and what its importance is in the world today.

Test Your Understanding

Chemistry can be a very complicated subject, and understanding the fundamentals that support different theories is essential to learning chemistry as many topics build on previous concepts you have learned. Once you think, have mastered a topic look for an app that offers chemistry quizzes or worksheets. Look for an app the automatically grades your work. By using one of these chemistry quiz apps, you will be able to check your understanding against a test or worksheet to make sure you do understand the material you just went over.

Best 10Apps for Learning Chemistry

While searching for a few of my favorite chemistry apps, I came across this list. It features a bunch of great apps to help you learn chemistry from quizzes to formula apps and is a great place to start your search for knowledge!

Learn Advanced Topics

Once you have started to master the basics of chemistry, it is time to start moving on to more advanced topics, and this is where things get fun, albeit a bit more difficult as well. In your in kindergarten through high school, you can easily find a few apps that will supplement what you’re learning in school and dive a bit deeper into the world of chemistry. If you’re in college or committed to learning chemistry, there are apps like khan academy or apps that let you access lectures by top university professors. These lectures can cover everything from the chem-1 that 90% of college students are required to pass to Physical Chemistry and beyond so you can learn as much as your heart desires!


Learning chemistry is extremely rewarding, but it can be difficult. If you use the right chemistry apps and keep these three tips in mind, you are that much closer to understanding the amazing world that is chemistry.